Monday, November 15, 2010

My Workspace - Making Dragon Eggs...

Morning everyone,
It's all been about Dragon Eggs lately... dragon eggs of every 8 species of dragon! I spent 11.5 hours total making dragon eggs in 1:12 and 1:24 (half inch) scale. Exhausting but fun!

Took some quick snaps of my workspace along the way which I thought you might like to see. I'll post nice 'posed' photos of the whole range soon too.

Mini hugs,
Caroline x

Here's the eggs before they've been given their paint and mixed media finish...

And this is the finished product, many hours and many cups of tea later!


  1. Beautiful, and the nicest dragon eggs in this size ive ever seen. My faves are the black and green! xxx

  2. Oh I love them all! Fabulous colours and texture Caroline! Kate xxx

  3. Love the colours of your Dragon

  4. Wow, time well spend;-)
    They look beautiful!
