Do you remember those Warty Cane Toads I made for Halloween 2010, inspired by the chorus of warty cane toads that sang in the Hogwarts choir in 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'? Well, there are a couple still left at my
online store, but I am thinking of discontinuing them in favour of my new designs...
This is a sneak peek at my newly created
Witchy Cane Toads which come in all sorts of spooky colours. They take a heck of a lot longer to make and have so much detail and adorable little faces. Probably my favourite Pixie Dust Miniatures items to date. They took days to make and are 1:12 (one inch) scale.
Here are some pictures of my little colourful critters... as seen in the short film -
Myrtle the Witch, - some will be made available at my
online shop at a later date also.
And if you scroll past these new witchy toads, you'll see my original warty cane toad I made in Los Angeles. I remember when I first made one of these toads. I was going for realism, and to test how real my first one looked I put it on the edge of my bath and called my boyfriend over to my apartment. I said there seemed to be a toad or frog in my shower. He took a look, believed it and got a glass to put the little fellow in. It wasn't until he got particularly close and it wasn't moving that he knew something was up. Plus I couldn't stop laughing!

pixie dust miniatures witch and wizard fairytale miniatures

one inch scale miniature harry potter for your magical dollhouse or solls house