
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Workspace - making Potions

Since my Elixir of Life potions (blogged about here) were so popular last week I decided to go the whole hog and make a big range of lots of different potion bottles. I've made 11 different types and it's taken the past 42 hours and lots of patience... I never ever want to see another miniature potion bottle ever again! And I'm fairly sure I wont be making anymore of these once they run out. I'll be taking a lot to a fair I am exhibiting in next month, and the rest will be sold online as sets.

Have a look at my workspace at these potion bottles in the making... I'll post proper photos of the finished items soon. ;)


  1. you really went all out! they look great.

  2. Those are awsome I've been making similar ones for friends and family.Is there any chance you could tell me where you got your bottles as I've been looking for ones shaped that way?

    1. Hi, I made these bottles myself. I sell some on my shop (

  3. Replies
    1. Hi, I made these bottles myself. I sell some on my shop (
