
Sunday, August 26, 2012

COMPETITION - Tell a friend...!

Yes, it's that time! Starting today we have a new competition for you and this year the prizes are better than ever.

What do you win? Well you have a choice! Choose one magical miniature item from the images above. Choices include:-

A - one item from the 'Warty Pumpkin and Squash Collection'. This is an entirely new range being introduced for Halloween 2012, so you will be first to own a piece before they're even available at my online store. Choose any one piece from the above photo A.
B - one Cinderella Pumpkin Carriage. This beautiful item is new to my store - a classic from the Fairytale Range. Shown in photo B.
C - one set of fairytale pumpkins. If you choose this option you will receive 4 gorgeous fairytale pumpkins. Shown in photo C.
D - one incredibly unique Witchy Birthday Cake with stripy candles. This cake comes presented on a fine paper doily with 2 cut slices of cake also. Shown in photo D.

The competition begins today (Sunday August 26th 2012) and it ends at midnight PST on September 16th 2012. Any entries submitted after that date will not be counted (sorry). The draw will take place on September 17th.

To enter you must be a follower of this blog. Then you just need to make sure you do the following things in this list;-

1) - Tell a friend about this Pixie Dust Miniatures blog, and persuade them to become a follower! They can click to become a follower here, or by using the 'follow' button on the right hand side. Or, if they are not into the whole blogging thing, then they can sign up to follow by email by using the 'follow by email' button on the right hand side.

2) - Make sure that you and your friend are also fans of Pixie Dust Miniatures on Facebook too! Find us on Facebook here.

3) - Leave a comment on this post below, and let me know your name and the name of the friend you recommended Pixie Dust Miniatures to. Your name will be entered into the competition. Let me know which mini prize you'd like also. Will it be A, B, C or D?!

Your name will be added to the hat if you complete the above rules for entry. However, your name will be added again for each of the following optional rules;-

- tell more friends! Each friend who follows this blog due to your referral means your name added again.

- become a follower of my professional blog here.

- promote this competition on your own blog (with a link to this post),

- promote this competition via Facebook / Twitter,

- become a fan of my miniature food blog here.

(So if you decide to follow these optional rules also, then your name could be added to the hat many more times.)

Q. Do I have to have a Facebook account to enter?
A. No, you do not have to open a Facebook account simply to enter. I'll still enter you! ;)

Q. Do you check to see if people are following the rules and are eligible to enter?
A. Yes, I do. I check throughout the duration of the competition to see who has become a follower / fan / promoted on their sites etc so that I can keep it fair and make sure everyone has their name entered the correct number of times.

Q. Is my friend who I recommended Pixie Dust Miniatures to entered in the draw?
A. No, your friend is not entered into the draw unless they also follow the rules to enter the competition themselves.

Q. How exactly do you choose a winner?
A. I print off everyone's names (some names are printed off multiple times if they've earned the right to be entered multiple times) and I simply throw them all in a bowl or hat and draw out 1 name at random. I film the competition draw and upload it to my YouTube Channel within about 2 days of the competition's end.

GOOD LUCK everybody and please feel free to email me if you have any questions at all about this competition draw. 
Caroline xXx


  1. I love your work!!!, my name is Akriel and my friend´s name are kahiry and Artemis; and I like the prize C.

  2. Hi Caroline. I finally got to enter a competition. So excited. :D I also sent a suggestion to a couple friends. Linda and Evelyn (Evey) keep an eye out for them. Keep up the wonderful work. Joni.

    Ohh, and will be posting it up on my blog as well, as soon as I figure out how. hahaha

  3. Hello there.. I absolutely love your stuff!! My name is Evelyn My friends are Tara, Klara and Victoria.. =) I think prize B is amazing. ;)I become a follower of your professional blog and a fan of your miniature food blog and also promoted this competition via Facebook!!! <3 To all good luck! =)

    1. thank you Evelyn for introducing me to this page.

  4. Big big Fan of your work!!.. My name is Morwenna and my friend's name is Manana Von Bom & I also send suggestions to all of my friends but many of them don't use blogs... but we shall see..

    Good luck to all but I would love to have your work at home <3

  5. Hi My name is Charlene and my friend is Teresa. I would like to win the items in picture C - it was hard to choose as I love them all, the detail is so good. Thank you

  6. I'm follower of all your blogs.

    Shared this on FB.

    And I put a post with link of this to my blog (^^)

    Ooh.. IF I'd be the very lucky one to win.. I'd LOVE to get that cute and awesome pumpking basket (is it a basket..??) from picture A

    MiniHugs, Irina

  7. Oooh! Carrie Susemihl. My friend is Ann Susemihl. I like option B! I'm going to follow your other blogs and post this on my Facebook page, too!

  8. I follow your blog.
    Shared on Facebook
    I have one friend that is following you. Her name is Evelyn Bell.
    My friends names are:
    Sarah PG Spieth
    Elaine Feagan
    Klara Huffman
    Stephanie Sanders
    Leah Taylor
    Evelyn Bell
    Samantha Huffman
    Marnie Hilash
    Ray Braechon
    Li Wong
    Amy Tenesa
    Mary Canada
    Kenzie McWhorter
    Kathy Warner
    Candace Combs
    Sara Patton

    A is just the cutest set if I am the lucky one to be chosen.

    Tara Huffman

  9. For extra credit:

    I "LIKED" you Hummingbird Miniatures Facebook page.
    I posted a "comment" on your Hummingbird Miniatures Facebook page.
    I became a fan of your professional blog.
    I became a follower of Hummingbird Miniatures on Etsy.
    I am now following you on twitter.
    I promoted you via twitter.

  10. Hi I am a follower of your blogs.

    I shared this on facebook to all my friends but I also shared it with 3 of my friends Veronica Savory, Estere Lucero, and Trixie Clark.

    If I win I would like prize A I love it :) good luck to everyone.

  11. I have invited Sarah PG Spieth, Elaine Feagan, Klara Huffman, Stephanie Sanders, Leah Taylor, Evelyn Bell, Samantha Huffman, Marnie Hilash, Ray Braechon, Li Wong, Amy Tenesa, Mary Canada, Kenzie McWhoter, Candace Combs, Sara Patton, I follow this blog. I LIKE Hummingbird Miniatures on FB. I posted a comment on Hummingbird Miniatures FB. I'm fan of your miniature food blog.
    I became a follower of hummingbird miniatures on Etsy, I follow you on twitter, I promoted on twitter,
    I follow your professional blog
    I would like the set of Orange Pumpkins please

  12. Hello, I Adore all of your Miniatures!! My name is Mandie, and My friend is Heaven.....I would Love to have one of your Minis...I would Love to win them All, but I think I will pick B. the Cinderella Carriage!!
    Thank You sooo Much!!

  13. Hi Carolyn! I love your minis and hope, hope, hope I win this time. I am sharing with Meghan and Victoria. I have posted news of the drawing on my blog. I follow both your blogs & liked you on FB. I'm being drawn to the Cinderella Pumpkin coach. Thank you!!

  14. Wooow ! que hermosos trabajos! Gracias por compartirlos con nosotras! Besos desde Uruguay

  15. Hi! I'm a new follower :) I'll post a link to my own blog and recommend this competition to my friends. A friend who I can name right now is Irina from I'll recommend this to every miniature friend I have!
    I liked your Facebook page and I'm also a follower on two of your other blogs :) I'll put a link to my Facebook page also
    Oh and I love the prize A :)

  16. Hi My name is Susana and my friend is Joana. I would like to win the items in picture C. Thank you

  17. I'm following your professional site. wishes

  18. I believe I now follow you on all your blogs. I love your work. Please coun me in on your draw. I'll put your link on the sidebar of my blog. I'd love to win Prize D. Thanks and hugs, Drora

  19. Hola, me gustaría participar, supe de tu concurso por el blog de Drora, no lo puedo anunciar porque no tengo blog pero soy tu seguidora en todos tus blogs, gracias, Ana (mucuy) pd en caso de ganar me encantaría la opción D.

  20. I follow this and your professional blog and love your work. I would pick option D because the snail cake would just go perfect in my Hogwarts themed house. Best of luck to all!

  21. Привет!
    Я Ваш новый последователь! Вы очень талантливы. Ваши миниатюры совершенны. Я бы хотела участвовать в Вашей лотерее.
    Мне очень нравится Ваш подарок на картинке D.

  22. Me gustaría participar en tu sorteo, soy seguidora de tus blogs,te anuncio en mi blog.
    Besos d las Malu´s.

  23. Te sigo en Facebook como Maria Luisa Vera, te publico en mi blog y he sabido de tu regalo por Drora,soy seguidora de todos tus blogs.

  24. Me se olvidaba,el regalo D me gusta mucho!Besos.

  25. Hola Caroline,en primer lugar GRACIAS por el sorteo,por darnos la oportunidad de tener esta maravilla.
    - Ya soy seguidora de tu blog.
    - He invitado a mi amiga Mamen del blog Mis achiperres.
    - Te he agregado a mi facebook y compartido con todos mis amigos.
    - He colgado el sorteo en mi blog,en la parte derecha,en el apartado SORTEOS EN LOS QUE PARTICIPO.
    - Soy seguidora de tus tutoriales en yotube.
    Muchas gracias de nuevo y suerte a tod@s los compañeros,un abrazo.Rosa.

  26. Perdonnnn el regalo que me gusta es el A.

  27. Your work is out of this world. It would be amazing to win one of your COMPETITIONs. I do follow your blog and iam a fan of your facebook page. I have asked Cheryl Sexton to follow you. Emma Cerff.

  28. Hey... I am Faith of &
    I have been following your blog for a while via Socialite and love your work.
    I'm now following your other blogs and facebook feed.
    B is my favorite of this set.
    My friend is Daulina of


  29. Hola Carolyn
    Soy seguidora de tu facebook.
    Te sigo en You Tube
    Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
    Subo el aviso a la barra lateral de mi blog.
    Le he avisado a mi amiga Eva
    besitos ascension

  30. se olvido elegir la gustan todas pero me encantaria poder ver en directo la opcion A.
    Gracias, besitos ascension

  31. Hola Caroline, gracias por darnos esta oportunidad. Me gustaría paraticipar en tu sorteo.
    Lo he sabido a través de mi amiga Ascensión ( y yo se lo he dicho a mcddis ( y a Isabel (
    Sigo tu blog hace tiempo y también el facebook como Eva Alonso Fernandez. Anuncio el sorteo en los dos sitios.
    Lo que más me gusta es lo de la foto B
    Un beso y suerte a todos!!!

  32. Hola Carolyn, me gusta mucho lo que sorteas, por favor cuenta conmigo, lo publico en mi blog, te sigo en f.b. como Isabel del Pozo y también en tu blog, vengo de parte de mi amiga tatalamaru y mi amiga es Un besito. Isabel

  33. Me olvidé decirte que me gusta la letra "C" son adorables esas calabacitas!!! Gracias de nuevo, un besito

  34. Hello, this is Danielle from All The Small Things( I just made a post promoting your contest over there. I'd love to own option B.

  35. Hola Carolyn, vengo de parte de mi amiga Isabel. Yo no tengo f.b. pero mañana sin falta lo subo a mi blog y se lo digo a una amiga. Me encanta la opción A. Saludos.
